Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jack Johnson

Here we go again...
This is the bridge that we went over to get to the Washington side of the Columbia. ^

I really like this bridge. ^

First we saw the wind mills from the Organ side,
Then as we crossed the river they got bigger and cooler.

Mt Adams I think!!! ^

All of us girls really liked this house. <3>
An amazing old barn that we passed. :) ^
We stopped to eat lunch. ^

Adorable Jillian, and the Baby of course. she is such a cute pregnant lady. :D ^

Hhhhm.... Jesse. :P ^
The boys. ^

My beautiful, wonderful Mother. <3>
Mom and Andra, Just lovely. :) ^
Mom, Andra, and Anna. Are you seeing a pattern here? ^
Mom, Andra, Anna and I. Pic by Jesse or Tom idk. ^
Mom, Andra, Anna, Michaela, Jill. Pic by Jesse or Tom. ^
Mom, Andra, Anna, Michaela, Jill, Talitha. Here is all the girls. :) ^

The little Arrow pointing up is to show you all that I am talking about the picture above it.

That is all for now, I will post more later. Hope you Enjoy.

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