Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A few days Ago Jonah made a bike ramp. Though it was not a very good one, the kids still had a fun time going off of it. Here are some pictures that I got of the action.

The bike ramp. :D
I hope you all enjoy looking at these photos as much as I did taking them. ~Kayla~

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello every one, my name is Michaela. Here is what you should expect from my blog. A couple of words, a few laughs, and a lot of pictures. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I also want to say thank you to my sister Andra, who most willingly helped me start my blog. Thanks Andra!!!

Here are some pictures that I have taken over the past couple of months.

Andralea Rose
Matthew B
Christopher B Micah S :D Heidi S
Thanks for reading... ~Kayla~